Talk to The Team
Wanting to book? Please visit the booking page.
Important Notice
Due to the remoteness of our location we have limited internet access and NO mobile coverage at all!
The best way to contact us, especially if you need a reply about booking for the next day – is via telephone.
07 4958 3359
If you get our message bank please leave a message and we will get back to you as soon as we can (we’re probably flying through the forest!).
Booking via website should be done at least FIVE days in advance if possible.
How to Find Us
18 Oliver’s Road, Finch Hatton QLD 4756
Travelling from Mackay
To find us from Mackay head towards Eungella National Park, but just before Finch Hatton turn right to Finch Hatton Gorge. Follow the signs towards Finch Hatton Gorge. Once you have driven through the first causeway take the first left (Van Houweninge’s Road), take another left onto Oliver’s Road and then turn right to Forest Flying. Please follow the road up the hill.
You will find ample parking and a warm welcome from our tour guides at the top!
Google Maps
Please note, there is no phone reception at Forest Flying. If using Google Maps, download the route for offline use.